Our expert advice

  • ALL 6
  • Security & maintenance 2
  • Website design 2
  • Website hosting 1
  • WordPress 1
Website hosting

How to optimize your site speed with the right website hosting

Choosing the right web hosting is essential to ensure that your site loads quickly and provides a good experience for your visitors.
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Why choose WordPress as the CMS for your website project?

The strength of WordPress lies in its ability to be fully customized, notably through custom templates.
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Website design

Website design for Retina displays

Retina displays have a considerably higher pixel density than the average screen. What implications does this have for graphic design?
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Security & maintenance

Why update your WordPress core?

Updating your WordPress instance is important to maintain your site's security, compatibility, functionality and support.
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Security & maintenance

Why should I back up my site?

Backups of your WordPress site are essential to guarantee the security, stability and availability of your website.
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Website design

Best practices for designing a breadcrumb trail

A breadcrumb helps users navigate a website by indicating their location and the site's structure.
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